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It was decided on all hands to do sth

  • 1 единогласно

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > единогласно

  • 2 единодушно

    1) General subject: at one, by common consent, by general consent, unanimously, with a single heart, with one accord, with one mind, (все) with one voice, on all hands (It was decided on all hands to do sth)
    3) Makarov: solid

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > единодушно

  • 3 Л-105

    К ЛИЦУ кому PrepP Invar
    1. ( subj-compl with copula ( subj: a noun denoting an item of clothing, a hairdo, jewelry, a facial expression etc) or adv
    often neg) sth. befits s.o., makes him look more attractive
    X Y-y не к лицу = X doesn't suit
    X doesn't look good on Y X doesn't flatter Y
    II одет(ый) к лицу - becomingly (attractively) dressed. "(Я) делаю ей походя комплимент: „Валентина Михайловна, какой на вас прекрасный жакет... Прекрасный, - повторяю, - жакет, и очень вам к лицу"» (Войнович 4). "(I) paid her an offhanded compliment- 'Valentina Mikhailovna, what a pretty jacket you're wearing....It's beautiful and it suits you very well'" (4a).
    О молодость! молодость!.. Ты как будто бы обладаешь всеми сокровищами вселенной, даже грусть тебя тешит, даже печаль тебе к лицу... (Тургенев 3). Oh youth, youth!... You seem to own all the treasures of the world, even sorrow amuses you, even grief becomes you... (3a).
    ...Сама Анна Дмитриевна была игрушечка - маленькая, худенькая, с свежим цветом лица, с хорошенькими маленькими ручками, всегда весёлая и всегда к лицу одетая (Толстой 2)....Anna Dmitrievna herself was a pretty toy, small, thin, with a fresh complexion and pretty little hands, always gay and always becomingly dressed (2a).
    2. ( subj-compl with быть0 ( subj: abstr or infin)
    usu. neg) sth. is suitable, right for s.o., befits s.o. 's position
    X (делать X) Y-y не к лицу - X (doing X) does not become (suit) Y
    it is not fitting (becoming) for Y to do X it is unseemly for Y to do X X ill becomes Y.
    (Саша:) Пора уже тебе оставить выпивку и скандалы. Предоставь это тем здоровилам... Они молодые, а тебе всё-таки, старику, не к лицу, право... (Чехов 1). (S.:)...It's time you gave up drinking and making scenes. Leave it to these hearty types. They're young, and it really doesn't suit an old man like you (1b).
    Восьмой (член правления), академик и герой труда, решил, что ему участвовать в этой склоке совсем не к лицу... (Войнович 3). The eighth (member of the board), an academician and Hero of Labor, decided that for him to participate in this squabble was not at all becoming... (3a).
    Вчера вы изволили фокусы делать...» -«Я? - воскликнул в изумлении маг. — Помилосердствуйте. Мне это даже как-то не к лицу!» (Булгаков 9). The other day, if you don't mind, it was your pleasure to perform some tricks..." "Tricks?" the magician exclaimed with astonishment. "Surely, you don't mean it! Such things would ill become me!" (9a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Л-105

  • 4 к лицу

    [PrepP; Invar]
    1. [subj-compl with copula (subj: a noun denoting an item of clothing, a hairdo, jewelry, a facial expression etc) or adv; often neg]
    sth. befits s.o., makes him look more attractive:
    - X Y-y не к лицу X doesn't suit < become> Y;
    || одет(ый) к лицу becomingly < attractively> dressed.
         ♦ "[ Я] делаю ей походя комплимент: "Валентина Михайловна, какой на вас прекрасный жакет... Прекрасный, - повторяю, - жакет, и очень вам к лицу"" (Войнович 4). " paid her an offhanded compliment-'Valentina Mikhailovna, what a pretty jacket you're wearing....It's beautiful and it suits you very well'" (4a).
         ♦ О молодость! молодость!.. Ты как будто бы обладаешь всеми сокровищами вселенной, даже грусть тебя тешит, даже печаль тебе к лицу... (Тургенев 3). Oh youth, youth!... You seem to own all the treasures of the world; even sorrow amuses you, even grief becomes you... (3a).
         ♦...Сама Анна Дмитриевна была игрушечка - маленькая, худенькая, с свежим цветом лица, с хорошенькими маленькими ручками, всегда весёлая и всегда к лицу одетая (Толстой 2)....Anna Dmitrievna herself was a pretty toy, small, thin, with a fresh complexion and pretty little hands, always gay and always becomingly dressed (2a).
    2. [subj-compl with быть (subj: abstr or infin; usu. neg]
    sth. is suitable, right for s.o., befits s.o.'s position:
    - X < делать X> Y-y не к лицу X < doing X> does not become (suit) Y;
    - it is not fitting < becoming> for Y to do X;
    - X ill becomes Y.
         ♦ [Саша:] Пора уже тебе оставить выпивку и скандалы. Предоставь это тем здоровилам... Они молодые, а тебе всё-таки, старику, не к лицу, право... (Чехов 1). [S.:]... It's time you gave up drinking and making scenes. Leave it to these hearty types. They're young, and it really doesn't suit an old man like you (1b).
         ♦ Восьмой [член правления], академик и герой труда, решил, что ему участвовать в этой склоке совсем не к лицу... (Войнович 3). The eighth [member of the board], an academician and Hero of Labor, decided that for him to participate in this squabble was not at all becoming... (3a).
         ♦ "Вчера вы изволили фокусы делать..." - " Я? - воскликнул в изумлении маг. - Помилосердствуйте. Мне это даже как-то не к лицу!" (Булгаков 9). "The other day, if you don't mind, it was your pleasure to perform some tricks..." "TYicks?" the magician exclaimed with astonishment. "Surely, you don't mean it! Such things would ill become me!" (9a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > к лицу

  • 5 под рукой

    ПОД РУКОЙ; ПОД РУКАМИ both coll
    [PrepP; these forms only; adv or subj-compl with copula (subj: usu. human or concr)]
    (of or in refer, to things, often household items that are located in convenient places so that one can easily use them; of or in refer, to people who stay or are kept nearby s.o., ready to help him, carry out his orders etc) (a person or thing is) very close by, easily accessible:
    - (close < near>) at hand;
    - at one's (s.o.'s) side (elbow);
    - [of or in refer, to things only] handy;
    - at one's (s.o.'s) fingertips.
         ♦ Мужчине всегда в некоторой степени свойственно желание попетушиться, а тут ещё под рукой такая штучка, как револьвер, почему же не схватить его, если для этого нужно только открыть ночной столик? (Олеша 3). It's always, to a certain extent, the nature of a man to want to ride the high horse, and when a thing like a revolver is close at hand, why not grab it, especially if all one has to do is open the night table? (3a).
         ♦...По-видимому, распорядитель пира не считал, что веселью пришёл конец, и он, как опытный тамада, всегда имел под рукой верное средство для того, чтобы вдохнуть жизнь в замирающее застолье (Катаев 2)....The tamada evidently decided it was not yet time to end the party, and like the experienced master of ceremonies he was, he had at hand a sure means of breathing life into the expiring company (2a).
         ♦ Ежели у человека есть под руками говядина, то он, конечно, охотнее питается ею, нежели другими, менее питательными веществами... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). If a man has beef on hand, then of course he lives on that more willingly than on other less nourishing substances... (1a).
         ♦ Он отдал распоряжение шофёру. Он приказал референту сообщить в Департамент, что господин прокурор занят... Никого не принимать, отключить телефон и вообще убираться к дьяволу с глаз долой, но так, впрочем, чтобы всё время оставаться под рукой (Стругацкие 2). He gave instructions to his chauffeur and ordered his assistant to inform the department that the prosecutor was occupied. "Don't admit anyone, disconnect the phone. Go to the devil, get out of my sight, but stay within easy reach" (2a).
         ♦ "Я поглотил кучу книг и приобрёл уйму знаний, чтобы быть полезным ей и оказаться под рукой, если бы ей потребовалась моя помощь" (Пастернак 1). "For her sake I devoured piles of books and absorbed a great mass of knowledge, to be available to her if she asked for my help" (1a).
         ♦ "Вы дилетант". Сейчас можно признаться, что тогда я не знал и этого слова. И не имея под рукой словаря иностранных слов, не посмел возражать (Войнович 5). "You're a dilettante." Now I can admit that at the time I had no idea what that word meant, and with no dictionary of foreign words handy, I did not dare object (5a).
    [PrepP; these forms only; adv]
    when worked on, refined, crafted etc by s.o.:
    - under the hand(s) of.
         ♦ Под рукой мастера кусок теста превращается в произведение кулинарного искусства. In the hands of a great chef a lump of dough turns into a work of culinary art.
    ПОД РУКОЙ <-ю> чьей, (у) кого obsoles, coll
    [PrepP; these forms only; subj-compl with copula (subj: usu. human or collect)]
    a person (or group) is under s.o.'s authority or direction, is totally subjugated to s.o.:
    - X под рукой у Y-a X is under Y's command (rule, control, thumb);
    - Y controls X.
    ПОД РУКОЙ <-ю> obs
    [PrepP; these forms only; adv]
    (to do or say sth.) concealing it from others, without the knowledge of others:
    - discreetly.
         ♦ Ему [помощнику градоначальника] предстояло одно из двух: или немедленно рапортовать о случившемся по начальству и между тем начать под рукой следствие, или же некоторое время молчать и выжидать, что будет (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). Не [the assistant town governor] had two choices: either to report the occurrence to the authorities at once, and secretly begin an investigation in the meantime; or else to keep quiet for a while and see what would happen (1a).
         ♦ "Собираются на обед, на вечер, как в должность, без веселья, холодно, чтоб похвастать поваром, салоном, и потом под рукой осмеять, подставить ногу один другому" (Гончаров 1). [context transl] "If they meet at a dinner or a party, it is just the same as at their office-coldly, without a spark of gaiety, to boast of their chef or their drawing-room, and then to jeer at each other in a discreet aside, to trip one another up" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > под рукой

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  • keep — keep1 W1S1 [ki:p] v past tense and past participle kept [kept] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(not change)¦ 2¦(continue doing something)¦ 3¦(not give back)¦ 4¦(not lose)¦ 5¦(store something)¦ 6¦(make somebody stay in a place)¦ 7¦(delay somebody)¦ 8¦(do what you… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • fate — noun 1 sb/sth s future ADJECTIVE ▪ awful, grim, horrible, terrible ▪ cruel, unhappy ▪ What an unfortunate fate the gods had condemned her to …   Collocations dictionary

  • change — change1 W1S1 [tʃeındʒ] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(become different/make something different)¦ 2¦(start doing/using something different)¦ 3¦(replace something)¦ 4 change your mind 5 change sides 6¦(clothes)¦ 7¦(bed)¦ 8¦(exchange goods)¦ 9¦(exchange money)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • change — 1 /tSeIndZ/ verb 1 BECOME DIFFERENT (I, T) to become different: Susan has changed a lot since I last saw her. | changing circumstances/attitudes etc: Animals must be able to adapt to changing conditions in order to survive. | change out of all… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • pass — pass1 W1S1 [pa:s US pæs] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(go past)¦ 2¦(move/go)¦ 3¦(put)¦ 4¦(road/river etc)¦ 5¦(give)¦ 6¦(give information)¦ 7¦(time)¦ 8¦(exam/test)¦ 9¦(law/proposal)¦ 10¦(happen)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • round — round1 W2S2 [raund] adv, prep especially BrE also around 1.) surrounding or on all sides of something or someone ▪ We sat round the table playing cards. ▪ Gather round! I have an important announcement to make. ▪ He put his arm gently round her… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • close — 1 verb 1 SHUT (I, T) to shut something so that there is no longer a space or hole, or to become shut in this way: Ann closed her book and stood up. | close a door/window/gate: Would you mind if I closed the window? | close the… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • head — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 part of the body ADJECTIVE ▪ bare ▪ bald ▪ shaved ▪ blonde, dark, fair, grey/gray …   Collocations dictionary

  • after*/*/*/ — [ˈɑːftə] grammar word summary: After can be: ■ a preposition: I went for a swim after breakfast. ■ an adverb: He died on 3rd June and was buried the day after. ■ a conjunction: After you d left, I got a phone call from Stuart. 1) at a later time… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • extend — ex|tend W2S3 [ıkˈstend] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(time)¦ 2¦(area/distance)¦ 3¦(size)¦ 4¦(include/affect)¦ 5¦(offer help/thanks)¦ 6¦(arms/legs)¦ 7¦(continue winning)¦ 8¦(furniture)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1300 1400; : Latin; O …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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